Monday, December 10, 2012

A new blo--...wait...what was I doing again?

 Wanna know how much I procrastinate? This afternoon I started to write this blog, but then I wanted something to eat. So I went into the kitchen, but couldn't find anything to I cleaned the kitchen instead. I finally finished and came back to the computer, "No, seriously, I'm going to write this damn blog...hmmm...I need to find music to inspire me". I then realized I had spent 2 hours skimming YouTube for some music..."NOW I'm going to write something! ...wait...I haven't played guitar all day. I need to do that." and as finished playing guitar I was like "I should make brownies. That sounds really good."

Now the sun has been down for a good 3 hours and I am just getting around to writing this. The problem is...I seem to have forgotten what I was going to write about. It was going to involve music and I was extremely passionate on the topic, but fuck it...I'm gonna go play video games. Glad we had this talk, blog. See ya tomorrow...

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